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Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2018-09-11 16:20  

  We study galaxy formation and evolution in a broad term. Using multi-wavelength data, we investigate the related subjects, including ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, star-forming galaxies, galaxy interacting and merging, starburst on the galaxy scale, and co-evolution between galaxies and their central black holes. We also use numerical tools to study the evolution of galaxies, e.g. the semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and the cosmological hydro-simulations. Our study focus on the multi-phase gas components, the chemical abundances, kinematics of galaxies in various environment.

              Based on a number of large-scale astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic surveys (e.g., LAMOST, APOGEE, Gaia) of the Milky Way, we study the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galactic disc.

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